The content of this blog is obsolete now, as newer PyDev version 1.5 has been released. Please look at my latest blog post on this.
I begin to have more time to explore the Eclipse Galileo (3.5) again. This time I want to set it up for my Python development, using the PyDev plugin. Current PyDev plugin version is 1.4.7
Assuming you already have a working installation of Galileo, and have opened a workspace.
The update site for PyDev is
In Galileo, you need choose: Help > Install New Software...
[caption id="attachment_605" align="aligncenter" width="313" caption="Adding the PyDev Plugin to Eclipse Galileo"]
The "Install" dialog will show up.
Click on the [Add] button at the top right of dialog. You should see this "Add Site" dialog.
Name: Py Dev Update Site
Click [OK] button.
Tick the checkbox "PyDev for Eclipse" under "PyDev". Click [Next >] button.
Click [Next >].
Click the radio button "I accept the terms of the license agreement" when you agree. Click [Finish] button.
You will see the progress bar.
On completion of the installation process, Eclipse will ask you whether you want to restart.
Answer by clicking the [Yes] button.